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Read Do Develop Mini: Weather PAPERBACK BOOK

The benefits of sensory play and the sensory-rich experiences are great for brain development in babies through to adults (S Gascoyne 2016) So what is sensory play? It is play which stimulates our senses: smell, touch, taste, hearing and sight. It can also include movement and balance. This book is packed full of beautiful simple […]


Special Offer – Couples Fertility Coaching

Couples Fertility Coaching includes 5 x couples sessions, email support throughout and all the extra materials provided during our work together. Sessions can be held weekly or bi-weekly. ​This is for you if you want to: ◊Re-connect to each other emotionally ◊Learn how to support one another ◊Feel grounded and supported ◊Learn communication tips ◊Learn […]


Special Offer 1:1 Fertility Coaching

Homecoming includes 6 x 1:1 sessions, email support throughout and all the extra materials provided during our work together. Sessions can be held weekly or bi-weekly. ​This is for you if you want to: Feel like you again Shift negative thoughts and regain hope Feel calm and grounded Learn how to handle triggers Heal from emotional […]

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Ayurveda Taster

Ask me anything during this 15 minute Chat and Chai. Womb-hood in itself can be overwhelming enough, so the last thing I want to cause is confusion whilst you look for answers. My goal is to provide you with optimal self care, so you feel empowered to mother. Even if that means mothering the self! What […]


Baby Flashcards

Download your own printable baby flash cards. Babies can focus best with high contrast like black and white. One of the first colours they can see is red. These flashcards are designed by The Practical Child – experts in child development to help stimulate your babies vision.


E.I.S IN-Person session

We use a special type of diagnostic equipment called “EIS.” (Electro Interstitial Scan) also known as a Bioenergetic electro dermal device. The equipment will scan your body and give a detailed 3D simulation of your body’s composition including organ glands and body segments. It will then assist to highlight possible imbalances within your system including […]
