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woman kneeling in front of laptop in workout gear

re|Birth to 6 Weeks FREE Mini Course

re|CONNECT to your deep core, re|COORDINATE your breathing, re|CLAIM your confidence in knowing where to start your postpartum fitness journey. Created to support you on your postpartum journey from straight after birth to 6 weeks postpartum (or longer if you need it!), so that you can build strong foundations. Get started slowly on your postpartum […]


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla imperdiet laoreet dolor eget tristique. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In sed viverra justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent tempus tellus velit, at porttitor eros molestie eget. Cras iaculis blandit est, eget luctus arcu iaculis quis. Nunc […]

Smiling child holding her set of Enchanting Learning Cards

Enchanting Learning Phonics and Storytelling Cards – Set 1

Phonic Cards with a Storytelling element designed to ignite enthusiasm for learning while boosting creativity and understanding.   More about our Enchanting learning Cards… Suitable from Age 3 for early reading skills right through to Age 10 for independent, creative writing support. Welcome to a magical learning experience designed to ignite the imagination and increase enthusiasm […]


Enchanting Learning Phonics and Storytelling Cards – Bundle

Welcome back to a magical learning experience designed to ignite the imagination and increase enthusiasm for learning. With a combination of unique imagery and dynamic learning opportunities, our Enchanting Learning Phonics and Storytelling Cards – Sets 1 and 2 are a must for the forward-thinking home or classroom looking for a high-quality alternative to run of […]

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