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woman kneeling in front of laptop in workout gear

re|Birth to 6 Weeks FREE Mini Course

re|CONNECT to your deep core, re|COORDINATE your breathing, re|CLAIM your confidence in knowing where to start your postpartum fitness journey. Created to support you on your postpartum journey from straight after birth to 6 weeks postpartum (or longer if you need it!), so that you can build strong foundations. Get started slowly on your postpartum […]

sanitary towel with a red heart shape next to a flower

MENARCHE: Positive Period Parenting Webinar

Definition of menarche:  the beginning of the menstrual function especially : the first menstrual period of an individual Becoming the parent of a tween can often present new challenges, and managing how to positively explore menstruation and puberty is often one of them! Many parents did not have the greatest experience of this themselves, which only […]


Mindful Parenting

This handout is all about how to become a more mindful parent. Being more mindful allows us to begin to look after ourselves as parents by paying attention to our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. By acting more mindful we can also begin to understand our child more, understand and recognize their needs and begin to […]


Introduction to Gentle Parenting: Mindset Shift Guide

A comprehensive guide that will shift your confusion and exhaustion into peace and understanding. 1) Easy To Follow Self-Reflection Questions 2) Based On Brain Science 3) Practical Action Plans Download the guide today to build a strong family bond that will foster cooperation. You’ll get instant access to: √ 20+ Pages of Professional Parenting Content √ Instant Access to Effective Action Plans √ Self-Reflection Journal Prompts √ Amazing bonus strategies to help hold boundaries…and more!

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