FertilityTTC health

If you and your partner have been trying to conceive, there are a few things you may want to know.

When sex education was on our curriculum, we were taught how to avoid getting pregnant and how to avoid getting an STI (sexually transmitted infection). Unfortunately, sex education did not include fertility education.

First of all - it can take up to one year to conceive. The NHS explain that around 84% of heterosexual couples will conceive within a year if they have regular, unprotected intercourse. This also means that 1 in 7 couples may experience difficulties. After 1 year of trying, you should get in touch with your GP who may determine that you’re eligible for fertility investigations. You’ll be asked questions about your menstrual period, if you’ve previously been on contraception and how long since you stopped using it, and they may also ask specific questions about when you’re having sex.

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