
Hi, I'm Annabel, and I'm a teacher, tutor, author, and founder of Bella learning. In this video, I want to tell you a little bit about Bella Learning and what we can do to help parents.

I've been a teacher for a long time. And one of the things I absolutely love is working with parents, because I know the parents have the knowledge and skills to support their children, that child can absolutely fly in primary education. Something’s that’s really popular are my Parent workshops; I run these online at eight o'clock in the evening, after the kids are in bed, so the parents can join and learn about very specific things about primary education. In Phonics explained, I explain the methods of how children are taught to read, and it’s quite different perhaps to how you were taught to read.

In Calculations Explained I go through all the Maths methods from reception to year six, so you can always be one step ahead.

Reception Explained is great if your child is starting School in September. I go through all that you need to know and all of the learning objectives and outcomes for the year.

And in Year 1 Explained, I talk about transition, from reception in to year one, and what that might look like your child is normally a big jump.

So this is a very popular workshop, why not head to my expert page on the website to check out when the next workshop is, we'd love to see if you'd like to join us.

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