Mental healthParentingSleep

It doesn’t matter how many children you have; nothing can prepare you for the sleep deprivation when your little one arrives. The effects of sleep deprivation can be very harsh on both parents and children alike and that’s why it’s so important that sleepless nights don’t continue for longer than necessary.

When it comes to baby and toddler sleep, you will hear all sorts of comments and experiences. One of the first questions you’ll likely be asked is whether your child is sleeping through the night. This question puts pressure on parents, especially when a child is not yet sleeping through. A good night’s sleep is essential for the growth and development of your child but also for your own wellbeing and health as a parent, so seeking help from a sleep professional should be top of your priority list when you need some extra rest.

What does sleeping through the night actually mean?

As a rule of thumb, most people would consider a full night’s sleep anything between 10-12 hours of unbroken sleep. However, for many parents who are up every 40 minutes to 1 hour with their child, a stretch of 6-9 with one wake and then going back to sleep would be more than sufficient to recover some much-needed sleep, and provide confidence that your little one has the ability to sleep for the full 10-12 hours over time. In saying this, sleep quality is much more important than sleep duration and a good sleep consultant will be able to help you achieve both.

When is the right time to seek help and advice for your child's sleep? 

In my experience, parents will start to look for help when the current sleeping situation they're living is having a knock on effect on their everyday life. Some of these reasons may be:

  • You’re concerned that sleep deprivation is having an effect on your mental wellbeing. Research has shown that those experiencing sleep deprivation, broken sleep or sleep problems are at higher risk of suffering from depression and/or anxiety. Lack of sleep can also affect your concentration levels and make you irritable.
  • The sleep routine is causing problems in your relationship. Many times, I see that parents have different ways of thinking when it comes to sleep, which often ends in arguments, especially when sleep deprived. You may be sleeping in different beds to accommodate for your little one’s sleep habits, such as feeding to sleep, co-sleeping or consistent rocking and this can contribute to tension between parents.
  • Your little one is irritable. In the day because they aren’t getting sufficient or good quality sleep at night or in the day.
  • Simply because you want to change a sleep routine. And it’s the right time to do so.
  • You require advice on something specific. Such as going on holiday, early waking or daytime routines.

How can a sleep consultant help you? 

I can help you as much or as little as you feel you and your family require. There are some instances in which a 1-2-1 consultation is necessary and this can be done remotely. I provide unlimited support, which means you can ask me questions about your child’s sleep for as long as you need me.

If you're looking for support with day and night time routines, my online courses are packed full of information and specific guides that will help you implement a routine that works for you and your family. The online courses don't have unlimited support like the 1-2-1 consultations, but I will soon be introducing a 30-mins consultation add-on so you can ask me anything you like once you have reviewed the online sleep course.

If you simply have a question that you would like to ask, get in touch with me here on bloss. 

The key to getting a good night’s sleep is remembering that your child can, and will sleep well at night with the right advice. If you are looking for 1-2-1 sleep consultancy, I recommend you look at the methodology used by a consultant to decide which is best suited to you. I use a gentle method where you are with your little one each step of the way until they are ready to settle by themselves.


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