
Children’s skin and ways to prevent and treat skin dryness using Child Farm’s Products.

1. Avoid harsh ingredients

Parents are already quite conscious about hand washing and protecting their children from the spread of germs. With COVID-19, daily handwashing has increased and children themselves are taking the initiative to hand wash as well as use alcohol gel. Whilst this is a necessary preventative measure to limit spread of infection, it can leave hands feeling dry, sore, itchy and even red. Contact dermatitis can happen when the skin barrier which helps to maintain the quality of our skin becomes damaged.

Look for products which are fortified with nourishing ingredients, such as cocoa butter and shea butter used in Child Farm’s Baby Moisturiser, but also avoid the use of synthetic detergents and preservatives.

2. Moisturise regularly

Cold winter climates can contribute to dry skin due to dry air conditions. A moisturiser acts as a barrier between your skin and dry air. It also helps to rehydrate the top layer of skin and seal in
water. For children, it’s important to find fragrance free moisturisers that have naturally derived ingredients such as Child’s Farm unfragranced moisturiser enriched with Vitamin E (antioxidant) and Shea butter.

We can’t stop handwashing which could be triggering dryness and redness of the hands. What we can do is help to build barrier protection and repair damaged skin. Moisturising is really important
during this process and should be carried out straight after handwashing. Child’s Farm have created a wonderful moisturising hand wash which acts to clean and moisturise hands. Ingredients such as glycerol, found in the moisturising hand wash, are known as humectants. Humectants attract water molecules and help retain the moisture in your skin.

3. Try to retain skin moisture

Using an air Humidifier during the winter months in your child’s bedroom can help prevent skin dryness. Daily moisturising routines should be completed twice a day but most importantly just after a bath where moisture can be retained. Additionally, it’s always important to not use hot water when bathing children but rather luke-warm water which is firstly safe and secondly does not wash away natural oils found on the skin surface. Child’s

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