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Here to help - Webinars

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It’s incredibly important to me that parents feel comfortable with the service they have chosen. Every family has their own unique circumstances and set of requirements, which is why I have tried to create an array of options. (All services can be used in a preventative manner, as well as from a problem solving perspective).

I am so aware of the trust, financial outlay and hope that goes into each and every one of my bookings. My top priority is to help, therefore if you have any questions about my services please do not hesitate to ask!

All of the services cover Sleep Disturbances, Behavioural Challenges, Potty Training, Selective Eating and Children’s Emotional Development. 

Webinars – £19.99

I realised that I needed to find a way to offer support that could reach a wider audience, hence the birth of my webinars! If you are hoping to learn more about how certain behaviours develop and in-turn, how to combat them, a webinar could be the answer.

They are booked in advance, via Zoom and usually last around 2 hours, so there’s a great amount of information covered throughout! The live webinars are recorded, so that they can be stopped and started at your convenience if you request a copy. I choose topics which I most commonly advise on and lean upon both my hands on experience and study, to provide effective tips and advice

I offer detailed descriptions of certain developmental phases and recount my own personal experiences to help create a solid understanding of the most challenging aspects of raising children. These talks are also offered with comfort in mind as only my camera and mic are on, meaning that parents who sign up to a live event can relax at home without concern for what other participants can see or hear!

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