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Parent guilt. Stay-at-home parents often think they’ve ruined any chance at a career. Meanwhile, working parents are often consumed with guilt at the thought of not being present enough for their children. Whatever your situation, you may or may not have had the choice. And even if you had the choice, chances are, you feel you’re deceiving someone. 

Let’s stop right there! Breathe in deeply and breathe out all that negative talk. You’re doing great. Be proud!

Breathe in, breathe out!

Parenting is no easy task. Add working full time to the equation and you have what one might call “a seemingly impossible task”. But that’s simply not true. In fact, mums and dads do it all the time. 

So how can you be present for your kids while also being a star employee? Here are our top tips:

Let go of all that parental guilt

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