Birth preparationBirth

Pregnancy and birth is the most beautiful, natural process, yet the fear surrounding it can be overwhelming for the expectant mum.

Being mentally and physically prepared for labour and birth can decrease anxiety and help mums maintain a positive mindset. Pregnant women often find little or no time for exercising.

Given our busy schedules and ‘on the go’ lifestyle, mums who have other children can incorporate exercise as a fun bonding activity time for the family, whilst at the same time reaping the benefits of increased blood flow to herself and baby.

One of the most fascinating wonders of woman, are that their bodies are able to adapt to accommodate the pregnancy and birth. There are multiple advantages of exercising during pregnancy, such as the improvement of overall health, the release of ‘happy hormones’, assisting with the positioning and dropping of the baby, minimise the chances of gestational diabetes, and assisting in weight control during and after the pregnancy.

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