
We are the founders of The LGBT Mummies Tribe and we have been together for 14 years, married for 10 and we now have three children all by IUI or IVF. We always knew we wanted children and so after we got married, we decided to discuss the options that were available to us.

So many questions! What ARE our options? Do we want to carry a child? Who carries? How? How much does it cost? Where can we do it? How do we choose a donor? Where would we find a donor? How long would it take to fall pregnant? The list of questions were endless.


We knew a local woman who had been through fertility treatment and gave us some basic advice, but barring that, there was a lot of ‘don’t knows’, mistakes made and a real lack of information and support for LGBT+ women like us looking to start a family. Our families were supportive but they too had no experience of fertility treatment or how to support an LGBT+ couple so we really had to muddle our way through it.

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