NESSA was developed to support your evolving body at every stage of womanhood, from parenthood right through to menopause.

NESSA Organics makes products with purpose. The brand was founded by mother of three Fiona Toomey who, as a new parent, struggled to find the skin care solutions she was looking for. NESSA Organics was born. Arming you with everything you need to support and nourish your skin, the brand is inspired by the legendary Irish warrior of the same name and offers body oils, scar balms and so much more.

About NESSA Organics 

Feeling let down by the beauty industry after giving birth to her first son, Fiona sought natural solutions to her postpartum skincare needs, which included everything from soothing chapped nipples to healing stretch marks. Everything she found was either full of chemicals that irritated her sensitive skin or didn’t really do much to help (not to mention the sober, clinical packaging).


NESSA was founded to give new mums natural but purposeful skincare to support their bodies through motherhood’s hardest challenges – while offering beautiful products that they’d be proud to display on their vanity. Fast forward to 2021 and the range has expanded to care for skin at every stage of womanhood, from pregnancy right through to menopause.


NESSA has built an online community of strong, incredible women in the last two years. As well as giving women the body care they deserve, NESSA’s straight-talking, no-nonsense approach appeals to its advocates. For too long, the industry has skirted around ‘uncomfortable’ subjects when it comes to women’s bodies. NESSA’s not afraid to talk about vaginal dryness or the aftermath of C-Sections. Women’s bodies aren’t taboo, and they deserve to be celebrated.


Whether you’re picking up a Vagina Victory Oil or Nipple SOS, you’ll enjoy NESSA’s luxurious natural formulas that are packed with natural oils and butters. The whole range is certified vegan and cruelty-free, as well as 100% natural.

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