We’re starting the partyware revolution!

Are you tired of using single use plastic products for your child’s birthday? Look no further, after witnessing the excessive amount of waste we decided that sustainability and beautiful party products must go hand in hand. Making your party dreams a reality with no compromises. Sometimes you can have your cake and eat it!

Note from Ciara

Pico was founded by myself, Ciara. Coming from a huge family with a total of 13 aunties and uncles and over 70+ cousins, I have always loved a good party.  Having planned a few myself, I was shocked by the lack of quality, sustainable products on the market, and those claiming to be sustainable were far from it! Therefore, I decided to take things into my own hands, and Pico was born…

Making a change, one party at a time

Children’s birthday parties create a lot of enjoyment and long lasting memories, for both the kids and the adults, however the way they are traditionally celebrated is harmful to the environment. Children’s products are synonymous with vast amounts of waste, a lot of which end up in landfill as they are unrecyclable.

Our products

Everything we send to customers are all completely plastic free in product and packaging and can either be reused, recycled or composted after use. Whilst also not having to sacrifice style in your Pico purchases.

Sustainability at the forefront

Sustainability is at the core and forefront of what we do. At Pico, we want to provide our customers the opportunity to embrace sustainable children’s parties with ease. Pico products are fun, sustainable and are visually spectacular, meaning all areas are covered. Pico aims to take the eco guilt away from parents and deliver party ware that their kids actually enjoy. But most importantly, showing that party items can be provided not at the expense of the environment.

We’re working with Ecologi to build our very own Pico forest. Planting trees is one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising and are crucial in preventing an ecological collapse. With every purchase you make, we will plant a tree in the Pico forest on your behalf. We all need to enjoy life and take small steps to help our planet!


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