
From their earliest days, babies respond to contrasts, colours, sounds, and movements. How they integrate these various experiences will influence their growth and development across many areas, including creativity. In this way, creativity is ageless and timeless. Possibly more important, creativity can be acquired and fostered.

Playing creatively with babies, even newborns fosters many aspects of development.

Creative child care promotes many primary physical skills. It is the way that babies learn about their world, thereby allowing them mental development and new ways of thinking, engaging, discovering, and problem-solving. This growth may come from actual toys such as blocks, rings, or cups, but it may also come from cushions with bright colours or textures to explore, even objects that make interesting sounds will ignite a child’s curiosity. 

Very young children learn about the world through their senses. Thus, to foster creativity and creative thinking right from the start.

Stimulating multiple senses, as babies develop stamina, is a great way to foster imaginative thinking.  

Toddlers are ready for more than you think when it comes to creative opportunities. 

So allow your child an expressive outlet for their thoughts, feelings, wishes, and imaginings.

Regardless of your child’s age, creativity is a process, as opposed to a product. This is especially true with babies and toddlers who are just developing the coordination to control and manipulate objects with intention, and the cognitive capacity to problem solve and organize thinking. 

Creative activities help kids with managing emotions.

Creative activities help kids develop social skills.

Creatives activities help kids with their physical development

Creative activities help your child’s intellectual and cognitive development.

Creative activities help your child’s wellbeing.

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