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I cannot imagine anyone reading this wakes up each morning and asks themselves 'How much time I can possibly spend unintentionally scrolling on Instagram today? How much time can I spend looking at accounts that donโ€™t fill me with joy? How much time can I spend swiping, clicking, hoping to find something of moderate interest?' No person has these goals for themselves. Thereโ€™s no intention, no purpose.

There seems to be a deep misalignment between the goals we have for ourselves and the goals our smartphones have for us. Itโ€™s time to take back control and evaluate what we want from them and how they can be used as a useful tool to enhance our lives rather than getting in the way of living. Here are some tips to help you, which will hopefully result in you feeling more focused, present and energised.

Tip 1: Keep your smartphone out of sight when you are working, learning, or focusing on a task to reduce distraction.

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