Trying to ConceiveFertilityTTC health

Have you been trying to get pregnant for more than a year now? Infertility exists in shades of grey and varies from couple to couple and most often you won’t know you have a problem unless you have started trying.

So, how do you know if you have problems? Where is the line drawn?

What is normal and what is not? In this week’s The Fertility Show,  I’m discussing the 7 signs to spot that you may have fertility issues.

And as always, here is my cheat sheet with all the information that you need:

       Your Age

Everyone’s fertility is different. Some women have much better fertility than others of their age. I can’t tell you at a specific age, that everything falls off a cliff because that’s not the way it works. But, we do know, that it’s easier to get pregnant in your 30’s than it is in your 40’s.

       Your Mother’s Menopause

The second sign is your mother’s menopause. You must ask your mum when she had her menopause as this is a good sign of when you are likely to have yours. There are tests that you can now do, which are blood tests, which can show you what your egg reserves are. It won’t tell you about the quality of your egg, but it will give you an indication of what your egg reserves are like.

        Your Sexual Health

Then, the third sign may be looking at your sexual health. Sexually transmitted infections, especially chlamydia, which may have an impact on your fertility, are very common.

       Your Cycle

The fourth sign may be found in your cycle. If your cycle is very long, over 35 days, or very short, it may be a sign of a hormonal imbalance that you need to get looked at. Also, if your periods are heavy there may be underlying conditions that are causing this. In this case, you might want to seek help sooner rather than later.

       Your Weight

The next sign is weight and in particular, being overweight or underweight. Losing a small amount of weight, as much as 10 percent, if possible, will help to regulate your cycles and may make a difference between getting pregnant and not.

    Your Hormones

Women are ruled by their hormones. There’s a myriad of signs which may indicate that you may have fertility issues as a result. This can be anything from hair loss to weight gain, being underweight, having heavy or irregular cycles.  If you feel you have any hormonal issues, it’s worth getting a check from your GP.

      Your Lifestyle

The last sign for potential fertility issues is looking at your lifestyle. If you’re drinking too much, or you’re smoking too much, if you’re using recreational drugs, you should stop in preparation for pregnancy. Also, looking at your work-life balance. Many couples I see work very, very hard. They’re leading very stressful lifestyles. This can deplete a woman of vital nutrients that are needed for your future fertility.


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