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If you feel like you've put yourself at the bottom of the priority list since becoming a mother. If you're pretty sure you have no time to exercise anymore and even if you did, your motivation is barely peeking out over the piles of washing and dirty plates - then this is the challenge for you!

Feeling flat? Tired? Simply can't be bothered?

I've got you.

I'm a firm believer in little and often, especially when it comes to exercise.  A good workout doesn't need to be a long one and you shouldn't have to carve out a massive chunk of your day in order to move your body and feel amazing. This set of classes proves it.
We'll be combining Pilates and Barre for safe, effective and (most importantly) fun workouts. Whether you want something to compliment your current routine or you are starting from scratch everyone is welcome!*
Good things come in small packages, and I'm not just saying that because I'm 5ft 1! Move with me for 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week for 3 weeks, and I challenge you not to see results.

So are you in?

All you need is you and a bit of space to move.

10 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Totally Free to sign up - sign up by entering your email into the chat button.

*this challenge has not been created with pregnancy in mind, if you are returning to exercise please make sure that you listen to your body and have no contraindications which could mean that certain movements aren't suitable.
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